
神根本不虧欠我們恩典和憐憫 - RC Sproul


What happens is that we get accustomed to God’s grace. At first, we are amazed by it. The second time not quite so much surprised. By the third or the fourth time, we begin to expect it, then we assume it, and then we demand it. And we’re angry if we don’t get it. The greatest distortion in our thinking, dear friends, is thinking that God owes us mercy—that God is somehow obligated to be gracious to us. But think about that. The minute the idea comes in your head that God owes you mercy or owes you grace, let a bell go off in your brain that says ‘whoops, I’m confusing these concepts,’ because grace by its very definition is voluntary. God is not required to be merciful. He reserves the right to be merciful to whom He will be merciful and to be gracious to whom He is gracious. You can plead for grace. You can beg for mercy, but you can never, ever demand it. Justice may be required but never, ever mercy. And it’s because God is holy that anytime He withholds justice He is giving  grace.




看哪!今天多少人被膚淺的教導、錯誤的講道所龐壞了,講壇上高舉人文主義,神的地位被降格到好像「阿拉丁的燈神」或「黃大仙」,你要求祂給你甚麼恩典和利益,祂就要給你,否則祂就是不慈愛、不恩慈的神。荒謬!神是至高無上主權的神,是創造天地萬物的主,人算甚麼?竟然向神要求恩典和利益?我們應當跪下來,遠遠的站在神的施恩座前,連舉目望天也不敢,只捶著胸向神丐求憐憫說:「神啊,開恩可憐我這個罪人! 」
