
在聖潔的神面前當恐懼戰兢 - RC Sproul


In the early chapters of The Institutes of the Christian Religion written by John Calvin, Calvin makes a statement that goes something like this: “Hence that dread and terror by which holy men of old trembled before God, as Scripture uniformly relates.”What Calvin was saying is this: that there is a pattern to human responses to the presence of God in the Scripture and it seems that the more righteous the person is described, the more he trembles when he enters the immediate presence of God.

There is nothing cavalier or casual about the response of Habakkuk when he meets the holy God. Do you remember Habakkuk’s complaint? Where he saw all of the degradation and injustices that were sweeping across the landscape in his homeland and he was so offended by this that he went up into his watchtower and he complained against God and he said “God, you are so holy that you can’t even behold iniquity. How can you stand by and let all of these things come to pass?” And he says “I’m going to sit up here and I’m going to wait until God answers my question.” And you remember what happened? When God appeared to Habakkuk he said “my lips quivered, my belly trembled, and rottenness entered into my bones.”

What happened to Job when he waited for the voice of God? And when God showed Himself to Job, Job said “I abhor myself. I repent in dust and ashes. I have spoken once, I’ll speak no more. I will take my hand and put it upon my mouth. As Calvin said “the uniform report of sacred Scripture is that every human being who ever is exposed to the holiness of God trembles in His  presence.”

中文譯本 :





藉著聖經向我們啟示自己的神是聖潔的、至尊至榮的,當祂顯現的時候,我們應當恐懼戰兢啊!看哪!任何人來到神的面前,無不恐懼戰兢,任何一位先知或聖徒,每當提到神的名和講論神的時候,無不恭恭敬敬,無不存敬畏的心,無不戰戰兢兢的。然而,看看今天的所謂牧師、傳道等,好像與神平起平坐、不分尊卑,講道時嬉皮笑臉,態度輕佻無禮,拿神和神的話語開玩笑,「佈道會」上與主耶穌稱兄道弟,以為這樣就表示自己很有幽默感,很受聽眾歡迎,很有果效,不錯,今天他們在人面前很風光、很有榮耀,然而這等假師傅、假牧人,到那日,必要受神更重的刑罰,他們一定會聽到主耶穌對他們說:「我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧! 」
