
神的永恆揀選與我們的自稱為義 - 約翰.加爾文 (John Calvin)

摘錄自:Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Galatians, Ephesians (Downers Grove, IL; IVP Academic; 2012) p. 241.

"… even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. "– Eph. 1:4

God’s eternal election is the basis both of our calling and of all the benefits that we receive from him.  The timing of our election shows that it had to be free and could not have depended on any works of ours. 
Holiness and blamelessness are the fruits of election. Those who are not elect retain their natural disposition, which cannot change except by divine intervention.  This verse is also a reminder that there is no room of licentiousness among the elect, because holiness of life is tied to the grace of election.   Nor does this mean that we attain perfection in this life. We have the goal set before us, but we do not reach it until our race is done. Why do some people think of predestination as a useless and even poisonous doctrine? No doctrine is more useful, as long as it is handled properly, as Paul does here. It reveals the infinite goodness of God and gives us our knowledge of his mercy.   Election is the ultimate proof that we cannot claim any righteousness for ourselves.」

